Why use OSX over Windows for programming?

The primary reason for using OSX over Windows is because you can program for any platform on an OSX (Windows/Linux/OSX/iOS/Android). Also the popularity of the iPhone / iPad, Developers must use OSX in order to develop for iOS devices. Additionally, you can run Windows in a virtual machine or Apple Boot Camp app, having best of both worlds.

Stack Overflow survey for prefer OS
  • Bash - Programmers prefer the Bash command line to Window’s alternatives like Powershell. You can run Bash on Windows, but the filesystem underneath isn’t the same, so it’s ultimately not the same native experience.
  • Reliable DPI Scaling DPI scaling is reliable on Mac. On Windows, some apps have yet to add support.
  • Long-term Support - Running old Apple machines on the latest version of macOS is common. Where this is harder to do on Windows.
  • Peripherals - Apple’s small manicured hardware ecosystem helps assure long-term driver support.
  • Managed Ecosystem = ReliabilityApple only supports macOS on a small list of devices. Windows must support 1000s of devices this tends to make the Windows experience less consistent.
Stack Overflow survey - https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2016#technology-desktop-operating-system
Apple Boot Camp - https://support.apple.com/en-gb/boot-camp

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