Week 7 - Session 1 - HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

HTML is a fairly simple language made up of elements, which can be applied to pieces of text to give them different meaning in a document (is it a paragraph? is it a bulleted list? is it part of a table?), structure a document into logical sections (does it have a header? three columns of content? a navigation menu?) and embed content such as images and videos into a page.

Tags are used to mark up the start of an HTML element and they are usually enclosed in angle brackets. 
  • majority of tags must be opened <Tag> and closed </Tag> with the element information such as a title or text resting between the tags.
  • tags must be closed in the order in which they were opened.
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<!DOCTYPE>: not an HTML tag; instruction to the web browser about the version of HTML.
<html> </html>: defines the document as the web page, and identifies the beginning and end of the HTML document. All other tags must fall between the HTML tags.
<head> </head>: contains information about the document that will not appear on the actual page, such as the title of the document, the author, which stylesheet to use and also meta tags.
<title> </title>: defines the title that will appear in the title bar of the web browser, the title must appear between the head tags.
<body> </body>: contain all the information and other visible content on the page. All images, links and plain text go between these tags.

Learn HTML on Codecademy - https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-html

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