Week 14 - Session 2 - Group Programming Workshop - Weather Forecasting App

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Group exercise - building a Weather Forecasting App using React, a popular front-end framework for building user interfaces. Will implement the following features:
  • Users should be able to see the name and country of the city the forecast is for.
  • Users should be able to see a summary of each day of the forecast, including the date, general description and an icon for the weather that day, and maximum temperature.
  • Users should be able to click on one of the summaries to view all of the forecasted information for that date.
After completing this exercise should be comfortable with the following concepts:
  • jsx
  • functional components vs stateful components
  • `props`
  • `propTypes` and `defaultProps`
  • `state`
  • `setState`
  • render lifecycle methods
GitHub Weather Forecasting App exercise - https://github.com/SharifCoding/weather-app-react

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