Week 22 - Session 1 - Class Project (Week 3) - Material-UI

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Material-UI is an open-source project that features React components that implement Google’s Material Design. Very popular for web and mobile applications, inspired by the physical world and its textures, including how they reflect light and cast shadows. With the components from the Material-UI library, it’s very easy to make use of Material Design elements in your React web or mobile application.

Features include:

  • It allowed us to remove the dependency on the LESS toolchain for our users. We removed one important friction in the installation process. (simpler)
  • We were able to change the theme at runtime, nest different themes, and have dynamic styles. (more powerful)
  • We reduced the loading time by breaking the big monolithic CSS file in order to enable code splitting. (faster)
  • The style override story became more intuitive, as we were free of CSS specificity issues. (simpler)
Material-UI - https://material-ui.com/
Material-UI v1 is out - https://medium.com/material-ui/material-ui-v1-is-out-e73ce13463eb
Material-UI: Get started - https://hackernoon.com/material-ui-get-started-fast-react-16-eea211d65308

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