Week 22 - Session 1 - Class Project (Week 3) - Material-UI
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Features include:
- It allowed us to remove the dependency on the LESS toolchain for our users. We removed one important friction in the installation process. (simpler)
- We were able to change the theme at runtime, nest different themes, and have dynamic styles. (more powerful)
- We reduced the loading time by breaking the big monolithic CSS file in order to enable code splitting. (faster)
- The style override story became more intuitive, as we were free of CSS specificity issues. (simpler)
Material-UI v1 is out - https://medium.com/material-ui/material-ui-v1-is-out-e73ce13463eb
Material-UI: Get started - https://hackernoon.com/material-ui-get-started-fast-react-16-eea211d65308