Week 24 - Session 2 - Group Programming Workshop - Tech Test

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You may come across some tech tests when applying for roles, where many employers give around a week to come up with a solution. It is likely that you will need to revisit concepts, but also that you will need to utilise Google and StackOverflow to find additional answers where necessary.

The employer will assess you on the completeness of your solution and the quality of the code that you produce. They are trying to find out if you can write high-quality code, which is well-tested and has a good README.

Real-world example - https://jsainsburyplc.github.io/front-end-test/

In this exercise, you will develop a web application that integrates with the NASA Image and Video Library API. It should allow users to search for assets and then select and view an asset.

We will assess the task based on the following criteria:
  • How clean, modular and extensible the code is.
  • Suitability of tools, libraries, and frameworks used (for both the app itself and any build processes involved).
  • How it looks visually and the techniques used to style the application.
  • Responsive web design techniques used and the approach used for layout and accessibility.
  • Testing.
  • Anything above and beyond e.g. pagination, animation, routing, video playback etc.
Front-end NASA tech test - https://github.com/SharifCoding/frontend-nasa-tech-test
The 30-minute guide to rocking your next coding interview - https://medium.freecodecamp.org/coding-interviews-for-dummies-5e048933b82b
The Ultimate Guide to Kicking Ass on Take-home Coding Challenges - https://www.fullstackinterviewing.com/2018/02/02/the-ultimate-guide-to-kicking-ass-on-take-home-coding-challenges.html

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