Week 9 to 12 - Learning with MCR Codes

My experience with @MCRcodes as a Quality Assurance Tester. This is an evening part-time coding boot camp based in central Manchester which runs for 24 weeks, from February 2018 to July 2018.

Week 9 (April 2018) - After spending two decades using the internet, I finally have an understanding how it works now, and the communication between the server and the client. Nice to create and run a simple server using Express and I now know what API actually means now, I think. Really appreciate how amazing and powerful the npm package manager really is, and looking forward to installing other future packages. We have now started our back-end programming journey.
Session 2 - Web APIs & Express

Week 10 - Really enjoying creating and reading test units for server assignments. Additionally, learning synchronous/asynchronous programming has been a tease. Unfortunately, I was unable to attempt few classes due to unplanned commitment. Thankfully this hasn't affected my studies and I am grateful for the easy online access to the course materials including recorded lectures. And as usual, the lecturers are always available to assist me with my studies even though I am on the other side of the country.

Week 11 - Always nice to be back in class. This week we are introduced to MongoDB which seem to come up a lot through developer job search, and the perfect companion with Express, and to start off we are creating a music library database. I have always enjoyed the assignments that have been created for this boot camp, makes learning even more enjoyable, easy access, and most importantly will benefit in the real world. In my past studies, assignments tend to be not as exciting or even contributed to my future roles.
Session 1 - Databases/MongoDB
Session 2 - Scope & Modules

Week 12 - Carrying on with last week Music Library API assignment, as I have mentioned before, enjoying this assignment, plus it is also covering a fair number of technologies. Also, have carried out my own project using what I have learned last few weeks which includes MongoDB, Express, and CRUD. Definitely feel a lot more comfortable now and looking forward to next week JavaScript library React.
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Find out more about Manchester Codes - https://mcr.codes/