
My experience with Manchester Codes

I have been a Quality Assurance tester for five years, testing from a User point of view, but not from a Developer view. So the next step was to look into development.  I have come across multiple IT courses and have decided to enrol with  @MCRcodes .  This is an evening part-time coding boot camp based in central Manchester which runs for 24 weeks. Week 0 (January 2018) - Met up with Joe (Founder) for an informal interview to discuss suitability for me to enrol in the course. He has been very friendly and explained everything very clearly. Did quick JavaScript test, I initially panicked a little, however after few clues from Joe able to complete the test with ease. About MCRcodes... Week 1 to 4 (February 2018) - I have learned a lot in my first month in boot camp, most importantly is how much commitment is required to do this course. You will have to study minimum 20 hours each week, and each time you have free time, code! even if it's 30 minute...

Week 22 to 24 - Learning with MCR Codes

My experience with  @MCRcodes   as a Quality Assurance Tester.  This is an evening part-time coding boot camp based in central Manchester which runs for 24 weeks, from February 2018 to July 2018. Week 22 (July 2018) - Halfway through our project and still a long way to go . Still working out how the project's core function will work. With support from lecturers, we were able to visualise how the function will work with some awesome whiteboard drawing and realised the best way to approach this is to divide the core function and figure out each section one at a time. Session 1 -  Class Project (Week 3) - Material-UI Session 2 -  Class Project (Week 3) - Monzo Reward Web App Week 23 - Made it, the final week of our project and we have covered our MVP which was set at the beginning of the project week. The presentation went very well, met up with the project team prior to the presentation and did preparation. I never was c...

Week 18 to 21 - Learning with MCR Codes

My experience with  @MCRcodes   as a Quality Assurance Tester.  This is an evening part-time coding boot camp based in central Manchester which runs for 24 weeks, from February 2018 to July 2018. Week 18 (June 2018) -  Two more weeks of curriculum left to go through, this week we have just finished off  authorisation , and I am really looking forward to starting a group project from week 20, still haven't got any specific ideas but would love to work with React Native. Actually this weekend I went slightly off topic and looked into React Native and got the iOS simulator working via Xcode. My weekend work can be found here,  GitHub . Session 1 -  User Authentication - OAuth 2.0  Session 2 -  Group Programming Workshop - User Authentication GitHub OAuth Week 19 -  Now we have covered all the curriculum for this course, time to use everything we have learned in the class project. Each team consists of 3/4 members and I...

Week 24 - Session 2 - Group Programming Workshop - Tech Test

blog image source You may come across some  tech tests when applying for roles, where many employers give around a week to come up with a solution. It is likely that you will need to revisit concepts, but also that you will need to utilise Google and StackOverflow to find additional answers where necessary. The employer will assess you on the completeness of your solution and the quality of the code that you produce. They are trying to find out if you can write high-quality code, which is well-tested and has a good README. Real-world example  - Brief In this exercise, you will develop a web application that integrates with the NASA Image and Video Library API. It should allow users to search for assets and then select and view an asset. Assessment We will assess the task based on the following criteria: How clean, modular and extensible the code is. Suitability of tools, libraries, and frameworks used ...

Week 24 - Session 1 - Careers Advice

blog image source You can start applying for positions as a junior web developer with a working knowledge of the programming languages HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There’s also plenty you can do to prepare for the interview and application process itself. For example: Build a Portfolio Site Full of Relevant Work:  Your portfolio is the first thing potential employers will look at when considering you for a junior web developer position, so your site needs to be a real reflection of your skills and personal brand. But, before you can load up your portfolio, you need to code it, launch it, and make sure it stands out from other websites. Put Your Code on Github:  Github is the industry-standard for version control, and many companies want to know that you have hands-on experience before extending an offer. You can prove that and show off your best code by creating your own Github account and using it as a repository for your projects. Contribute to an Open Source Project:...

Week 23 - Session 2 - Class Project (Week 4) - Monzo Reward Web App

Following on from the previous week; -  Class Project (Week 1) - Monzo Reward Web App -  Class Project (Week 2) - Monzo Reward Web App -  Class Project (Week 3) - Monzo Reward Web App Using Monzo API, we have built a web app using React called Inde$pendent. Inde$ pendent is a digital reward card that doesn’t require you to use apple or google pay at the checkout or scan some other type of card at the checkout. You don’t need to download a new app or change your preferred payment method at all. And through the utilization of Open Banking, all your transactions can be collated and count towards your reward goal. Weekly progress on GitHub -

Week 23 - Session 1 - Class Project (Week 4) - Presentation Software

Image is a zooming presentation tool which offers an alternative to PowerPoint. Prezi is a presentation software company founded in 2009, the word Prezi is the short form of "presentation" in Hungarian. You begin with a blank canvas, and then position objects such as text, images, embedded videos or graphics, anywhere you like on the canvas. You then plot a path between them in the order you specify, so Prezi zooms in on each object in turn, allowing you to deliver the presentation to the audience. -

Week 22 - Session 2 - Class Project (Week 3) - Monzo Reward Web App

blog image source Following on from the previous week; -  Class Project (Week 1) - Monzo Reward Web App -  Class Project (Week 2) - Monzo Reward Web App Using rc-progress component, created mockup of reward progression and displaying Monzo username forwarded from the Monzo API.   Two elements are required to make up a progress bar, these elements are: A parent div that holds another div inside of it. A div that acts as the filler inside of the parent div. This div will be styled with color and will fill up an x percentage of the container horizontally and vertically. rc-progress - rc-progress examples - Weekly progress on GitHub -

Week 22 - Session 1 - Class Project (Week 3) - Material-UI

blog image source Material-UI is an open-source project that features React components that implement Google’s Material Design. Very popular for web and mobile applications, inspired by the physical world and its textures, including how they reflect light and cast shadows. With the components from the Material-UI library, it’s very easy to make use of Material Design elements in your React web or mobile application. Features include: It allowed us to remove the dependency on the LESS toolchain for our users. We removed one important friction in the installation process. (simpler) We were able to change the theme at runtime, nest different themes, and have dynamic styles. (more powerful) We reduced the loading time by breaking the big monolithic CSS file in order to enable code splitting. (faster) The style override story became more intuitive, as we were free of CSS specificity issues. (simpler) Material-UI - Material-UI v1 is out - https://medium.c...

Week 21 - Session 2 - Class Project (Week 2) - Monzo Reward Web App

blog image source Following on from the previous week; - Class Project (Week 1) - Monzo Reward Web App Using BCrypt and JWT encryptions, creating an option to sign-in with Monza via OAuth. Contain two repositories; an API  repository which consists of  Express for routing, Mongoose for managing the database, and  BCrypt/JWT for encryptions .  The second APP  repository (frontend) contain the  React for building the user interface, React Router which consist of a  collection of navigational components, and Axios to communicate with the API  repository. Monzo Authentication - auth0 - Weekly progress on GitHub -

Week 21 - Session 1 - Class Project (Week 2) - Mongo Aggregations Pipeline

blog image source Mongo Aggregations Pipeline; to perform aggregations operations, MongoDB group values from multiple documents together and then perform a variety of operations on grouped data to return a single result. MongoDB has three ways to perform aggregation: the aggregation pipeline, the map-reduce function, and the single purpose aggregation methods, we will focus on aggregation pipeline. The MongoDB aggregation pipeline consists of stages. Each stage transforms the documents as they pass through the pipeline: `$project` – select, reshape data `$match` – filter data `$group` – aggregate data `$sort` – sorts data `$skip` – skips data `$limit` – limit data `$unwind` – normalizes data Aggregation Pipeline - Aggregations in MongoDB by Example -