Week 18 to 21 - Learning with MCR Codes
My experience with @MCRcodes as a Quality Assurance Tester. This is an evening part-time coding boot camp based in central Manchester which runs for 24 weeks, from February 2018 to July 2018. Week 18 (June 2018) - Two more weeks of curriculum left to go through, this week we have just finished off authorisation , and I am really looking forward to starting a group project from week 20, still haven't got any specific ideas but would love to work with React Native. Actually this weekend I went slightly off topic and looked into React Native and got the iOS simulator working via Xcode. My weekend work can be found here, GitHub . Session 1 - User Authentication - OAuth 2.0 Session 2 - Group Programming Workshop - User Authentication GitHub OAuth Week 19 - Now we have covered all the curriculum for this course, time to use everything we have learned in the class project. Each team consists of 3/4 members and I...