Week 13 to 17 - Learning with MCR Codes
My experience with @MCRcodes as a Quality Assurance Tester. This is an evening part-time coding boot camp based in central Manchester which runs for 24 weeks, from February 2018 to July 2018. Week 13 (May 2018) - A new month, and a very heavy new topic ReactJS. The plan is to focus on this technology for the next couple of months, especially since it is a highly demanding skill. I've learned a lot more about the npm package.json file with better understanding, and all dependencies used by a typical React setup. Previously only had exposure to a small number of dependencies ( jest & eslint) , now learning about react , babel , webpack , and more. Session 1 - Intro to React Session 2 - React (Class, Stateful Components, Event Handlers) Week 14 - Single Page Applications (SPA's) is amazing! I always thought front-end development means primarily knowing ...